Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Secret of the Diksa

The pious process of initiation (Diksa) was a very important part of our ancient tradition in general and tantric tradition in particular. Various forms of Diksa are described in our tantric texts according to the capabilities of the aspirants. One has to the see the exhaustive interpretation from there.
When a powerful master embodied as Shiva, cuts all the past life impressions and simultaneously gives the pure knowledge, the event is known as Diksa in the sacred scriptures. Scriptures says-
nh;rs Kku ln~Hkko% {kh;rs Ik’kqoklukA
nku{ki.k la;qDrk nh{kk rsusg dhfrZrkAA
&LoPNUn rU=
Sometimes it acts like a powerful fire which in single moment burns out the veil of illusion (Maya) and past experiences .Spontaneously helps to find liberation. As from the revered scriptures-
nh{kkfXudeZnX/kklkS ek;kfofPNUu cU/kusA
xrks xr% deZcU/kks futhZoLrq f’koks Hkosr~AA
Similarly Gita puts in a very nice manner-
KkukfXu% loZdekZf.k HkLelkr~ d#rsstqZuA
Due to this nature it is also compare to Shaktipata.I shall discuss it separately. Finally it brings Shivahood(ultimate consciousness)in an inactive being.
Present state of our knowledge, not a single branch is in existence, purely following this process. Some orthodox institutions and communities are following the residual part of the Diksa as symbol, nothing more. It is very difficult to follow in reality. Because it is not just a ritual, discipline etc. but a process of re-conditioning, de-conditioning of conditioned mind. What we called the conditioned mind is, who is full of impurities and de-conditioning is act to destroy all the impurities completely .Finally re-conditioning means to establish oneself in the pure knowledge. Really this act is called as Diksa.
To know more in depth see the writings of revered MM Gopinath Kaviraj ji(Tantric Sadhana Aur Siddhanta,published from Bihar Rastrabhasha Parishada, Bihar)and the Svacchanda Tantra.

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