Friday, January 7, 2011

Mystical Land

From the first breath of the universe India is known as for  her spiritual wisdom and mystical tradition. One of most ancient cities on the earth Varanasi also called as Kashi,Avimukta etc. known for its spiritual beauty,has its significant place in the tantric Scriptures as sages realised its subtle presence in the human body.According to the ShivaSamhita it situated just between the two subtle vital channels in the body i.e. varana also called as ida and asi also called as pingala in the yogic texts and finds exactly where the Ajna Chakra is.It is also realised by the seers its location somewhere above the place which is commonly known as Varanasi.Similarly various places in this holy land of India have the same significance.It can be best understood to read the scholarly article by revered Gopinath Kaviraj ji(jnan ganj).The powerful seats of shakti have the same significance viz. all places manifested in the outer world as well as in the inner.At last it is a matter of inner experience not less than it.

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